by John Hinkson Reflections on the social form of the scientific age The fear of the power of nuclear weapons since 1945 has been widely shared by publics everywhere. Suddenly, after the unrelenting horrors of six years of world war, people were confronted by destructive powers they had no way of comprehending: previous forms of […]
He had the appearance of wire, stripped of its casing, thin, straight, finely detailed. Whether in overalls, tennis whites, or army-disposal shirts and pants—that uniform of postwar left- wing men—Alan Roberts projected energy, electricity.
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He had the appearance of wire, stripped of its casing, thin, straight, finely detailed. Whether in overalls, tennis whites, or army-disposal shirts and pants—that uniform of postwar left- wing men—Alan Roberts projected energy, electricity.
Egalitarian democrat – and his approach to science
John Hinkson, one of the editors of Arena, highlights the core egalitarianism which is at the centre of all Alan’s intellectual work – and the renewed prescience of his warnings on nuclear war.
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John Hinkson, one of the editors of Arena, highlights the core egalitarianism which is at the centre of all Alan’s intellectual work – and the renewed prescience of his warnings on nuclear war.
Nuclear Power is a phantom solution to climate change
A 2005 ABC interview with Alan Roberts outlines why he came to fervently believe that nuclear power 'won't do the job' of abating climate change.
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A 2005 ABC interview with Alan Roberts outlines why he came to fervently believe that nuclear power ‘won’t do the job’ of abating climate change.
Nuclear Power and the Bomb
From a little bang to a huge blockbuster is not that difficult: the spread of nuclear power makes proliferation easier, writes Alan Roberts in The Age
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From a little bang to a huge blockbuster is not that difficult: the spread of nuclear power makes proliferation easier, writes Alan Roberts in The Age
Science and Ecology: Alan as cutting-edge scientist
Jim Falk recalls Alan's work as a physicist and ecologist
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Jim Falk recalls Alan’s work as a physicist and ecologist
A celebration of Alan’s life
Sophie Bibrowska remembers…
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Sophie Bibrowska remembers…
Physics teacher became pioneer ecologist
By Hall Greenland. Sydney Morning Herald, 8 January, 2018
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By Hall Greenland. Sydney Morning Herald, 8 January, 2018